Six Bosnian-Herzegovinian portals—Capital, Fokus, Tač, Info-radar,, and Žurnal—have prepared four films about the development of Chinese influence in this area.
In the second part of the series on Chinese influence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, watch:
- The construction of the Banja Luka – Prijedor highway entrusted to the Chinese company “Shandong Hi-Speed International.” The concession agreement is signed for 30 years, during which Republika Srpska will pay an annual availability fee of 32.5 million. All realistic assessments indicate that the revenue from toll collection will be insufficient and that the Chinese partner will profit multiple times at the expense of the entity's budget.
- The outcome of the court proceedings regarding the lifting of confidentiality from contracts with the Chinese.
- The construction of the Brčko-Bijeljina highway entrusted to the consortium of China Overseas Engineering Group and China Tianjin, a job long promised to the Chinese before the tender.
- The construction of the Vukosavlje-Brčko highway. The hired company is “China State Construction Engineering Corporation.” Why was the price of this already expensive project immediately increased at the request of the Chinese?
- The contract for the Foča – Šćepan Polje road. Why was a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation signed with the Chinese Corporation for Roads and Bridges for Central and Southeast Europe for this section worth 100 million KM, instead of using credit funds from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which would include a grant for the planned 90 million euros?
- Controversial details about the construction of the Počitelj-Zvirovići section through the Chinese company Sinohydro Corporation and the announcement of its engagement in the construction of the tunnel East Sarajevo-Pale.